May 24Liked by Corey Smith

What they πŸ‘†πŸ» all said, with a double healing of Ofifoto!! I love reading whatever you write, no matter the intervals in between. Truly. Honestly. Just keep writing, please! πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’«

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May 24Liked by Corey Smith

Helping! Not healing - stupidest smartphone ever!

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Thank you, Kathleen. I appreciate the kind words.

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May 24Liked by Corey Smith

Oh, hey! Nice to see you here! You've done something different with your hair? Your nose? I'm not sure, but something is new. What's that smell? I think it's the smell of success! I've got new pom poms to go with it. "Gimme a C!"

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Hahaha. Thank you for the support.

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This is a fun way to start a Friday! I appreciate the ridiculous and encourage it.

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Haha. Thank you, Cindy. Enjoy your weekend.

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I wish everyone apologised with your humour.

Exciting to hear about the novel.

Good luck with the writing :)

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Thanks, Michael.

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Dope that you're taking on new and exciting projects sir.

be-be excited, foreal

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Thanks, Jason. However, I do regret announcing it. A rookie mistake. I have jinxed myself. And then in a month or three, hypothetically, when I haven't mentioned the novel and haven't shared any part of it, people might start asking me how it's coming along, and my frustration will be difficult to contain.

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Yeah, I get that. New ideas can be so beatific we often can't help ourselves and either talk them away or set an expectation that becomes a strait jacket. It's all good thoughβ€”if you don't put anything out, and someone asks about it, just have the conversation. Then you might feel that the (pretty much entirely self-imposed) pressure is off, and you'll feel free to do what you want with the thing (or not).

Or you could just let yourself outta jail now :) People here are into what you do as a whole, and would get it. One pithy thing that's been sticking to me lately is (creatively) "Make sure you fail doing exactly what you want to do." Avoid eating shit doing what you think you should do, or what you believe you might be obligated to do. Easy game.

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It's funny you should mention that, i.e., "fail doing exactly what you want to do." I wrote the first two pages of this story twice before deciding to write it in whatever way was the most fun for me. So far, I like where it's headed. Its form is much different than the fiction I've previously written. Not being constricted by the limits of a short story allows me more room to play, to let my hair down, and to let loose.

By the way, thank you for subscribing. I am grateful for your support.

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How exciting! Looking forward to the serialization!

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Thanks, Stephanie.

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Loved the "freewheeling thoughts" shtick, Corey - and rereading The Blue Heron made me say to myself "You did good" by becoming a paid subscriber to your Substack (you're 1 of only 2 "Substackers" whose offerings I support with "moohla" every month. I'm looking forward to Episode 1 of your novella (or novel if you're particularly 'wordy" - (smiles).

Keep on keeping on and sharing the "sweet, small moments" in life!

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Thank you, Sharon. Always a pleasure to hear from you.

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Ditto! Did you ever watch the original version of Fahrenheit 451 that I linked to you months ago? Hope so...it's a mind bender and so much of what is happening NOW across the globe is in that flick (based on a book written over 60 years ago).

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tried flipping laptop over but still can't identify view

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Congrats on the novel. Always fun. And excruciating. And fun.

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Thank you. I've written a few, all garbageβ€”in my eyes. The last one I unintentionally abandoned a few years ago, near the finish line: life happened. I actually just pulled all the chapters (in separate docs (why?) from my old computer two weeks ago. I might turn two or three into short stories at some point. The novel's junk, but the characters and some scenes have potential. This new one is very different from anything I've written before. I'm still trying to peg the voice and a few vital details. Once I get rolling, I'll be much happier. It's still exciting, though, especially because I haven't been writing fiction much since Substack dominated my writing time. Somehow I started writing essays. Anyway . . . enough rambling

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I get you on splitting Substack and fiction time. I like to go two days Substack, three days fiction. Then yeah, life intervenes.

Given your writing here, I'd love to read a full-blown novel. My $0.02.

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Thanks, Bradley.

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May 24Liked by Corey Smith

i don't know whether to laugh more at the promises and hives, the chaotic internal dialogue or the poor plunger that strikes again! happy weekend to you. may the words be in your favour!

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Hahaha. Thank you. Have a great weekend.

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Oh the insanity of the creative mind. Always critical, insecure, and yet hopeful. I'm so happy I'm not alone.

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Thank you, Dru. We’ll get through it. I’m almost never certain of it.

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This is fun! Appreciate it

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Thank you, Elizabeth.

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May 24Liked by Corey Smith

Clever and cute! 😊 I look forward to reading the accompanying pieces you included in this newsletter.✌️

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Thank you, Maggie.

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enjoyed your witty and well played snark! Onward we go in and out, around and beyond, and back again! Well done indeed.

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Thank you, Jennifer.

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