I paused billing yesterday and will keep it paused for at least one month. I will, of course, let everybody know a week or more before unpausing payments. For those who are annual subscribers, I will be adding a month or two to your subscriptions. More details are forthcoming. Maybe. Someday. This isn’t the end. I hope to get some work together to avoid having long periods where I am not publishing. I especially want to get my novel going. But, right now, I am still adjusting to a new gig, which requires me to write stuff I am not used to writing—and do research. Oy. Anyway, hope everybody’s having a stellar summer. See you soon.
P.S. I would’ve sent this email to only paid subscribers but couldn’t do so because, according to Substack, I now have no paid subscribers. I should’ve written the email first.
Forward’s the only way to go. Enjoy what you do, we’ll be fine.
Best of luck Corey - you know you have been loved since your first post!! Look forward to seeing you back as soon as you can! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 you get the other 6 when you come back!!! ❤️